Minamo is a Japanese word meaning ‘the surface of water’. It is an apt moniker for the entirely improvised duet of violinist Carla Kihlstedt and pianist Satoko Fujii.
The music they create together moves fluidly from one idea to another, and pulls from a deep source of experience and influence. Their music lives at the place where openness and decisiveness, spontaneity and architecture meet. It is an exercise in concentration and clarity. It is an animated, yet subtle conversation that always surprises. Minamo is committed to continual exploration and play, while never losing sight of their underlying search for structure.
Their debut cd, Minamo (Henceforth Records) documents the first two concerts the duo ever played together: one in San Francisco, CA and one in Wels, Austria. Their second album, Kuroi Kawa – Black River (Tzadik) is a double-cd— a live performance at the Vancouver International Jazz Festival, and a set of miniatures recorded in the studio.
Minamo is: