rabbit rabbit radio
The music of Rabbit Rabbit Radio draws on their collective love of art song, folk song, industrial music, improvised music and heart-wrenching balladry. If you listen closely, you’ll hear traces of their many musical associations, but this project is their own personal challenge: a dare to peel back influence and to reveal a music that is stripped down and intimate, and all the more powerful for it. The songs of Rabbit Rabbit Radio are raw and beautiful, sparse and rich, lighthearted and full of pathos.
Black Inscription
In 2018, they premiered their immersive oceanic rock oratorio, Black Inscription, at the Prototype Festival in NYC. A song cycle for 7 musicians, it follows a mythologized version of the late great freediver Natalia Molchanova on her final journey through our ocean. Through her eyes, we see, hear and experience things that are both awe-inspiring and devastating. www.blackinscription.com.
Since 2012, on the first day of every month (with only minor interruptions) Rabbit Rabbit Radio has released a new song to their subscribers on Bandcamp. Then at the end of each year they release the collection as an album. Become a subscriber at RabbitRabbitRadio.Bandcamp.com.
Rabbit Rabbit is:
CARLA KIHLSTEDT – voice, violin
MATTHIAS BOSSI – drums, percussion, keyboards, voice
JON EVANS – bass, guitar